How long do balloons last?

How long do balloons last?

Just like bubbles…Balloons POP!

Just like bubbles…Balloons POP!

How long do balloons last is both a common question and a complicated one. 

Balloons are fragile. The quality latex brands are made with 100% pure natural rubber and while they can last for long periods of time all balloons will eventually POP! 

When it’s hot, it POPS! 

I heard this just a couple of days ago and it can be very true! Temperature can dramatically affect balloons. Heat makes air expand so when it is trapped inside of a balloon it can expand and pop the balloon. There are several ways to counteract this though. Along with using a good quality balloon to begin with the balloon should not be inflated fully. For example in decor I use 11” round balloons quite a bit but they are never inflated to the full 11”. Underinflating to 9” or 8” (or smaller) not only gives a balloon more room to expand when exposed to heat but it also keeps it a lovely round shape. Heat can pop foil balloons as well! The worst thing for balloons is extreme temperature changes. So taking balloons from inside an air conditioned building and directly into a hot car that has been sitting in the sun is not a good idea! To ensure your balloons last as long as possible do not leave them in a hot car or anywhere in direct sunlight if at all possible. Even though we are known for cold in northern Minnesota our summers get quite hot as well!

Balloons can last a long time! Or less than 30 seconds in the hand of a rambunctious child. 

For twisting balloons (the long skinny ones) ‘burping’ the balloon once inflated releases a little extra air and can soften the balloon. While working with twisting balloons giving a good ‘squeeze’ during twisting will help keep the balloon soft and hopefully keep it from popping. Sometimes balloons pop while I’m inflating them, sometimes halfway through a sculpture. Balloons can have flaws and imperfections and can pop for ‘no reason’. As long as it pops while I am making something no big deal! I usually have PLENTY of extra balloons with me and I would rather find a weak balloon myself than have a disappointed kiddo. Besides- if there is no change of the balloon popping it's a little less exciting!

Keeping your balloon off the ground will greatly increase its chances for longevity. Grass is the secret bane of balloons. They are called ‘blades’ for a reason! Also rocks, dirt and even salt/ice melt can pop balloons. For Live Twisting events that are outdoors I recommend lots of wearable options that will keep balloons off the ground. Headbands, bracelets, and even backpacks are fun and functional- they are easy for the parents to carry when the kid decides they are on to the next thing! 

What if I take really good care of my balloon?

If a balloon is well taken care of and makes it home safely it can last quite a long time. These balloons may not pop in a dramatic fashion but will slowly shrink as the air molecules escape from the latex. The smaller the balloon the faster it will shrink. So a skinny 160 twisting balloon will lose its shape way before a plump round balloon. Some of my favorite pictures and stories come from people saying that they had their balloon ‘forever’ or their child ‘just couldn’t pop it’ and the balloon is a shriveled version of its former self. 

A sweet mom sent me a picture of a balloon I did at her daughter’s birthday party 4 months after!

A sweet mom sent me a picture of a balloon I did at her daughter’s birthday party 4 months after!

In the end balloons do not last forever but that is part of their charm. Balloons are the ultimate celebration of the moment (paraphrased from the great Guido Verhoef). Another balloon artist, Rupert Appleyard, said that balloons are like sunny days. They aren’t everyday and they don’t last forever but we must enjoy them when we have them. 

For me it is not how long the balloon itself lasts but the memory that it helps to build. A few times when I have been breaking down a large project (remember to always pin it and bin it!) people will ask if it is sad to deflate the pieces I spent so much time on. As long as the balloon ‘served its purpose’ it is not sad. If the sculpture made it through the event, parade, installation, etc. as intended it has done its job to spread joy, happiness, and wonder. What more could we ask from a simple bit of latex? 

Until next time,
