Graduation Balloons

Time to celebrate the class of 2024!

College, High School, even Kindergarten Graduations are coming up fast! Order early to secure your date. Standard Designs below. Delivery fee based on location. Colors can be changed to match your school or color scheme. Send us a message with other design ideas or any questions!


Some of our most popular designs that can easily be picked up at our partner shop, Hucklebeary!

We have a limited number of Pre-printed school foil balloons. Order as a centerpiece (shown) for $25+tax or ask us how you can add these foils to your other balloon decor!

Looking for more school designs? Click the links below!

Don’t see your school listed? No worries! We can make custom graduation balloons for your school!

Whether you are going with traditional school colors or something more reflective of your graduate’s tastes we have the balloon decor to fit your needs. All of our balloons are air-filled for long lasting fun!


Some of our past favorites!